Thursday 12 April 2012

Matterport scans 3D objects and spaces "20 times faster" than competitors

Matterport's 3D scanning technology claims to be 20 times faster and 18 times cheaper than...

It may be based on apparently familiar technology, but Y Combinator startup Matterport reckons it's putting its 3D scanning technology, which it claims can scan real environments into 3D digital representations 20 times faster than the competition, to innovative use. "We turn reality into 3D models and our scanner is 20 times faster and 18 times cheaper than any other tool on the market," Matterport co-founder Michael Beebe claimed at the Y Combinator 2012 demo day at the end of March. And though that claim might be pushing it slightly - 3D scanners have been around for the better part of two decades - the technology demonstrated in Matterport's demo video is remarkable... Continue Reading Matterport scans 3D objects and spaces "20 times faster" than competitors

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1 comment:

  1. This is really a nice post.Create the 3D model of home with VRLY’s home builder 3D Matterport & drone scanning real estate & enables others to take virtual walks through your listings.
